Effective March 28, 2022
Schedule Q
Available to all members where the member has qualified small power production or cogeneration facilities connected in parallel with the Cooperative’s facilities. The member is required to execute an Interconnection Agreement with the Cooperative. A Qualifying Facility (QF) is a cogeneration and small power production facility that satisfies the conditions in 18 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 292.101(b). The rates listed are for purchasing excess electricity from the QF only. Some rates may only apply to QFs interconnected in Minnesota.
Alternating current, 60 hertz, at available secondary voltages.
The Cooperative shall pay the member monthly for all energy furnished during the month at the rate shown in Section 1 - 3 below. Note that interconnections in North Dakota or South Dakota are only allowed on Time-of-Day Purchase Rate. Standby charges may apply for QF systems 150 kW and greater. In addition, the Grid Access Charge may be applied depending on the cogeneration rate selected.
Grid Access Charge: Pursuant to MN State Statute 216B.164 Subd. 3(a) the Grid Access Charge is applied to all distributed generation systems interconnected after January 1, 2016 that select either Net Energy Billing or Roll Over Credits as a cogeneration rate. The Grid Access Charge is applied against the kW of nameplate capacity of the qualified facility above the first 3.5 kW. System greater than 3.5 will be charged the monthly rate on the additional kW of nameplate capacity, not to exceed the monthly maximum charge.
Service Type |
Rate Schedule |
Monthly Charge per kW |
Max Monthly Charge |
General Service |
GS |
$ 3.83 |
$ 44.40 |
Seasonal Cottages |
SC |
$14.06 |
$ 39.56 |
Small Commercial |
$2.62 |
$ 30.40 |
Large Power |
$ 0.00 |
$ 0.00 |
- Net Energy Billing: Available to any QF interconnected in Minnesota of less than 40 kW capacity that do not select either the Roll Over Credits or Time of Day rates.
The Cooperative shall bill the qualifying facility for the excess of energy supplied by the Cooperative above energy supplied by the qualifying facility during each billing period according to the Cooperative's applicable retail rate schedule. The Cooperative shall pay the member for the energy generated by the qualifying facility that exceeds that supplied by the Cooperative during a billing period as follows:
Service Type |
Rate Schedule |
General Service |
GS |
$ 0.1057/kWh |
Seasonal Cottages |
SC |
$ 0.1074/kWh |
Small Commercial |
$ 0.0952/kWh |
Large Power |
$ 0.0720/kWh |
- Roll Over Credits: Available to any QF interconnected in Minnesota of less than 40 kW that do not select either Net Energy Billing or Time of Day rates.
Kilowatt-hours produced by the QF in excess of the monthly usage shall be supplied as an energy credit on the member’s energy bill, carried forward and applied to subsequent energy bills, with an annual true-up on December 31. Excess energy credits existing as of December 31 shall default back to the Cooperative with no compensation to the QF.
- Time-of-Day Purchase Rate: Available to any QF of 40 kW capacity to 150 kW capacity or less and any QFs up to 150 kW in North or South Dakota.
Cooperative shall pay the member for all energy delivered as follows:
On Peak Energy Payment ($/kWh) |
$ 0.02090 |
Off Peak Energy Payment ($/kWh) |
$ 0.02090 |
On Peak Hours: On Peak periods are defined as Monday through Friday beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending at (for a total of 10 hours per day), excluding the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Off Peak Hours: Off Peak periods are defined as all other days and hours.
The rates set forth are based on currently effective taxes and the amount of any increase in existing or new taxes on the transmission, distribution or sale of electricity allocable to sales hereunder shall be added to the rates as appropriate to be paid by the member.
Costs Related to the Interconnection of a Distributed Energy Resource
Interconnection Costs
Traverse Electric Cooperatives will bill out the actual interconnection cost for a distributed energy resources, (DER), to be interconnected to Cooperative’s distribution system. The typical interconnection costs is determined by the following:
Metering Modifications $325
Commissioning & Travel: $325
Total: $650
The average interconnection cost does not include costs that may occur as the result of the DER system requiring a distribution system change; such as a transformer upgrade, distribution line extension, or distribution system change. These costs, if required, are to be added to the average interconnection cost.
Grid Access Charge Example
The Grid Access Charge is explained in detail in the cogeneration rate schedule. As further example, a residential, 8 kW solar system that is subjected to the Grid Access Charge will be subjected to a monthly Grid Access Charge of $17.24.
System Size: 8 kW solar system
Grid Access Charge Exemption: 3.5 kW
System Size Subject to Grid Access Charge: 4.5 kW
Monthly Grid Access Charge Calculation:4.5 kW * $3.83 = $17.24
As stated in the Cogeneration Rate Schedule, the Grid Access Charge has a maximum monthly charge of $44.40. This is equivalent to a 15.1 kW system.