Effective January 1, 2025
Available to all consumers with services over 100 KVA and up to and including 500 KVA transformer capacity and subject to the rules and regulations of the seller.
Single or Multi‑Phase, 60 cycle, at available secondary voltage.
Service Charge: $200.00
Demand Charge: $17.50/KW
Energy Charge: All energy @ 7.8 cents per kWh
The minimum monthly charge shall be $200.00 plus sales tax.
The monthly demand charge will be based on the customer’s non-coincidental peak demand.
The above charges are net. All accounts not paid by due date shall pay one and one-half percent late charge on the unpaid balance of the account, a minimum penalty of one dollar ($1.00).
Any service that is disconnected for less than 12 months, before the account is reconnected the member will need to pay the service charges for the months the service was inactive plus a reconnect fee before the service will be reconnected.